We’re an advocacy network of faith, farmer and civil society organisations, committed to a common cause of realising a just and sustainable food and agro-ecological system in Zambia.


The Zambia Alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity (ZAAB) is a collaborative network of concerned citizens, civil society groups, faith and farmer-based organisations, working together to strengthen the growing movement for agroecology and food sovereignty.

ZAAB was initiated in 2010 when civil society and farmer associations came together to defend Zambia’s ‘No GMO’ presidential declaration of 2002. It has since evolved into a robust advocacy platform, expanding its membership and activities over the years. Today, ZAAB advocates for citizens’ rights to food sovereignty, embedded within an ecological and socially just Zambia.


Because of the effects of climate change and food and nutrition insecurity

To challenge the underlying
causes of social and environmental injustice

To share knowledge and collectively advocate for Food Sovereignty

We call on our leadership to prioritize sustainable, local food systems that ensure nutritious food that is produced and marketed in a way that boosts social cohesion and equality while supporting ecological health and the regenerative capacity of ecosystems. Agroecology provides such a framework



Farmers’ Rights are the starting block of agricultural production and the foundation for achieving diversified diets and sustainable food systems. Sadly, these rights are being threatened. Here is what you can do to protect farmers’ rights.


Contrary to belief, allowing GMOs into the Zambian market will have adverse effects on the well-being and rights of Zambian small-scale farmers. Here is why we can not allow this to happen


My Food Is African aims to increase public awareness and demand for healthy, safe, and nutritious local foods and supportive public policies by calling on Africans to celebrate the traditional diets that have nourished us for generations. Advocate for diverse, healthy local food here.